Sunday, July 24, 2011

ticket home

Lee bought our tickets back to North America for good last night...
and I am having mixed feelings.

Part of me is digging my nails into the sand refusing to ever leave this amazing island...
and part of me is secretly happy to be going back to real life.  I could actually have a job! 

Actually I won't be happy about "real life" until about Apirl or May when Lee gets his clinical placement and we find out where we'll be living for the next 2 years... until then it's back to limbo and living with my parents and Lee studying like CRAZY for the USMLE Step 1.

AND we just realized that we bought the tickets to go back to Canada to spend a week with Lee's family before we head to Ohio for Christmas and New Years and.... 4 months or whatever.....
AND we don't have ANY winter clothing there. not a coat, a glove, a boot. anything. hahahahahaha.
can you even believe my life?
Lee decided all of this, I'm just along for the ride... in Canada in December with my flip flops and sundresses.
Lee does have sisters, so hopefully there will be a coat somewhere in the house I can borrow, and I have 1 pair of jeans, 1 long sleeved shirt, and 1 pair of tennis shoes here in Grenada.
all of our belongings and clothing is in Ohio!
woe is me.


Lea Liz said...

I bet you do have mixed emotions about leaving!!! I would too!!! Oh girl so sorry you have no winter clothes there but surely you can find something:)

Kaplan Medical said...

Support is invaluable while studying for the USMLE. Lee knows he will do well with a solid study plan and question practice. If he needs any (free!) guidance through the long road to residency we're happy to help anytime.

Good luck to you both!



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