Friday, October 1, 2010

Hashing - On, On!

I can't believe I never blogged about my first hash experience!

What is a hash you ask?? Well depends on who you ask, some say its "drinkers with a running problem" but I just say it's a crazy, hike through the mountains.
It's so much fun! here is their website
It is however followed by people drinking, but only if you chose to.  It's perfectly acceptable to drink water... and necessary after sweating for hours in the jungle. lol.

My first hash was in St. Paul's parish.  They have hashes every 2 weeks, and I really want to go on the next hash as well!!
It was definitely a strenuous hike... maybe because I had done this new yoga class and played a kickball game the night before.... and had gone to the hash straight from working on the garden project at PAM for 3 hours with a hoe and machete.... haha.  I could barely get out of bed the next day!!

I was so happy that two other SO friends, Nicole and Misha went as well so I stuck with them through the hike, which was helpful the several times we thought we were lost. haha. at least we were together!  They mark the trail with piles of shredded paper so you know which ways to go, but a few times it seemed as if the paper had led us astray.
Alfonso went as well... but for unknown reasons he decided to take the runners trail and we didn't see him the entire time.

everyone ready to go! 
the paper pile telling us where to go
Nicole and Misha.... haha.
hiked a mountain and found a kitten! 

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Aww, did you bring that kitten home?!


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