Thursday, September 30, 2010


I've been so busy my head is spinning!
How did this happen??
aren't I supposed to be living a 24/7 vacation!?

I have so many things to do with the Significant Others Organization and being the Volunteer Coordinator... meetings, and emails, and online forms to fill out, and actually going to the volunteer events, and trying to beg people to come and help, preparing the lesson, and coming up with ideas, and making the snack, and on and on and on and on.
and they want me to organize a bake sale for CSA( Christian Student Association) to help raise money for the Pakistan flood relief for Doctors Without Borders, which I really want to do, it's a great cause & the school has agreed to match the funds the clubs raise!
and I still babysit sometimes
and I have to keep my husband happy
and I have to cook, clean, do dishes, and laundry and go to the grocery store (which is a hassle)
and I have to have friends... and do some fun things.
and I just really wanted to vent. and now I'm done.

I'm not upset with any of the things I'm doing.... I absolutely LOVE being volunteer coordinator & Limes & the Orphanage & helping with the PAM Garden Project & everything else!!
I never ever want to sound like I don't love what I'm doing because it is such an awesome opportunity and I love these kids so so much.  I never want to take a single day for granted. 
I never want to be negative, no matter how stressful things can be at times, and how badly the kids behave, or how little help we have, or how little it seems like others care about what we're doing..... b/c it still matters to me. and it still matters to the kids. right? I hope so.  and I need to remind myself of this. A LOT. and remember to breathe and let things slide and start each new day fresh. ah. pray for me. lol.

I just feel like I haven't had time to catch my breath lately. and hopefully tomorrow will be the day.  I have NOTHING planned. except about 3 loads of laundry, grocery shopping, and cooking and cleaning.....ugh. I just got busy.
I am looking forward to Saturday night!  Lee is getting inducted into IEA (international honor society) and they are having a dinner at the University Club and I get to go eat a meal that I didn't cook & wear a pretty dress... so it will be good :)

Watch this video of us and the kids singing at Limes... I've decided to try to put together a program and invite their parents to tell them about what we do and teach the kids some new songs!! so far so good.


Reece said...

frazzled... story of my life! I'm going to go grocery shopping in the morning if you would like to come. I'm going after I drop the kids off at school so I'll be leaving around 8:15. If you do, just call! :-D

Amanda said...

Aww, you are doing great things! Take it easy and enjoy it.

I've been feeling the same way all week and made up my mind that tomorrow (Friday) is a "stay at home day" for me and Sofi. I'm going to clean all morning then scrapbook all afternoon and catch up on my shows! Nothing planned for Saturday either but homemade donuts or monkey bread! :) Love you!


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