Friday, April 30, 2010

Last Day of Limes

Yesterday was the last day of Limes for the term... it came so soon!! I thought it was going to be next week... but I guess a lot of people are going home soon and it was just better to end sooner rather than trying to do it with not enough help.
It was a really good last day, hectic, but I wouldn't expect any less...
We had field day, but instead of participating I was sent to beauty school and had half of my hair ripped out due to two girls plaiting my hair.  Amber got a pretty good portrayal of the experience.
it hurt!!! and they claimed they found a white hair.......... I'm think it was just an extra blonde one ;)
After field day we went inside and all the kids got balloons and we had a relay race of sitting on the balloon and popping it... they loved it! I forgot my camera though so I didn't get any pictures :( 
They had lots of treats too... someone had given me 2 big bags of cereal so I put it in little baggies for the kids and Vanessa made cookies and Ms. Simon brought cake and they had sandwiches.  They were stuffed full of food!! 

I received a little note from Ezra, one of the girls who was plaiting my hair, to make sure I didn't forget about her over the summer. 
hahaha! what a sweet/crazy kid! note this isn't how I spell my name... but she tried.
S-exy (ha!)

Ooooooooooh Limes, I can't wait till next term!

Did I mention that I am going to be on the SO board?  As volunteer coordinator!  co-coordinator with my friend Amber!  I'm excited.  I'm taking Sarah's spot (tear) so I have big shoes to fill :)


Sarah Dhillon said...

I am so glad you are going to be a Volunteer Coordinator Kelsey! You will be fantastic because you have such a big heart and because you've done so much volunteering already and know what a difference these programs make.

ps I just noticed in your "What I Talk About" section in the sidebar... that I have (just barely) more mentions than 'smoothie' and 'smoothies' combined. Knowing how much you like smoothies, this made me feel very honoured! =)

amber said...

haha i love ezra's letter!


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