Saturday, July 30, 2016

Houston 2 months

Houston's second month was a busy one!
He had his first 4th of July, a visit from his grandparents, we dedicated him at church, he flew on an airplane to Ohio, he met all 12 of his cousins and almost all of his aunts and uncles, and had lots and lots of fun adventures with is big brother in between.
He's still the happiest, sweetest little baby.  I am so so blessed and thankful to have this baby boy to call my own. I love being his mommy.

He's so strong!  He loves tummy time and picking his head up to look around.  He prefers to be sitting or standing up and can wiggle all over the place!  I'll leave him on the floor on a blanket and somehow he scoots himself in a completely different direction!
I posted on his 6 week update that he rolled over from belly to back, he's going to be a mover just like Leo.

He's still a fantastic nurser - seriously making breastfeeding such an enjoyable, bonding time for us - which was NOT the case with big brother! I love the time I get to cuddle this little guy.
He's sleeping really well - no complaints here!  His longest stretch so far is 7 hours!! Yes Houston!

He has the sweetest, turn your heart to a puddle of mush, smile.  His eye sparkle and I am rendered helpless and would give this baby any thing he could possibly want.
He smiles so much more than Leo did.  Leo smiled, but almost every single time I make eye contact with Houston I can get a smile out of him :)

He switched over to 3-6 and some 6 month sized clothes right when he turned 2 months!  His 2month Dr appointment had to be postponed due to our last minute trip to Ohio, so I'll update about that on his 3 month post! 

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