Saturday, November 15, 2014

Residency 5 months in

Here were are November already!  It's hard to judge time going by here in Florida because pretty much every single day is just as sunny, warm, and beautiful as the last, but somehow it's almost Thanksgiving and Christmas!

Lee is finishing his 5th month of residency today.
He has completed - in-patient medicine, sports medicine, pediatrics, another round of in-patient, and will start OB on Monday.

I wrote a post a few months ago about how things were going so far - here.

Overall I still can't complain too much about residency. I know many others who have it much worse than we do in terms of - schedule, program, coworkers, etc.
Lee is so far really happy with his decision to come here and so am I!

However, there are still a lot of aspects of residency that are no cake walk no matter which way you look at it.
Lee has been working A TON.  He recently did 20 straight days of about 5am-8:00pm... I'll let you do the math of how many hours a week that is (and how much over time that'd be in a normal job -no such thing as over time in residency) and that doesn't include travel time and all the text, email, pager answering, and studying he does outside of the hospital.

This past week was pretty rough, he went from Sunday - Friday pretty much without seeing Leo because he was only home when he was sleeping :(  But then he had Friday off and was able to spend the entire day with us.  As a bonus Leo randomly slept in until 8:30am! which NEVER happens, so he must have known we all needed a little extra sleep! (unfortunately I woke up with what looks like a case of mastitis.....ugh. but that's a post for another day)
It makes for long days and weeks when he is gone that much.  Not only do I feel like a single parent, but I miss my husband :( If we're lucky we get about an hour together before he falls asleep.  We're hoping next month will be better when he's on OB.  He'll be on call a lot, but he'll be at the hospital that's only 5 minutes from home so he might be able to come home more often/earlier!

Back in September Lee took (and crushed!) Step 3 during his vacation. He was a little worried about taking it so early in residency, but they were going to make changes to the test come the end of the year so he decided to take it early and, by no shock to me, did really, really well.  Although I'm not sure it really matters what their score is on that one as long as they pass.

A couple weeks ago he also finished up the season with his high school football team.  He really enjoyed working with them and being apart of their team.  They even gave him a polo with the team logo :)  He will probably/hopefully follow them all 3 years we're here.  Next year it will be more fun to take Leo to the games!  Surprisingly it's not that much fun to take a baby to a football game that starts the same time as bed time... haha.

Last week he worked at a special sports physical clinic for the athletes of the Special Olympics.  Stuff like that make me so proud and I know make his job so much more enjoyable for him.  A nice change of pace from the everyday and difficult patients.

In addition to all of this, Lee is really involved with the youth group at church,  He leads worship and teaches Sunday school for the teens on Sunday morning, and when he's able to be there on Wednesday nights he leads a small group of boys.  And helps me out in any way he can with projects I've got going on, like the block party or helps me think of games to play with the teens on Wednesday before the service.

And if you can believe it, he is still such a loving and thoughtful husband and father.  He always responds to my texts/calls throughout the day (maybe an hour or two later, but still) and on days he's going to get home really late tries to facetime with Leo.
He always brings me a surprise home from work to let me know he was thinking of me - usually a leftover piece of cake from lunch or a granola bar.  Those little gifts are the sweetest.
Friday, on his day off, all on his own accord he did about 4 loads of laundry - washed, dried, folded, and put away, while I was busy straightening up the spare room (recovering from Operation Grenada Child mess and preparing for all of our Holiday visitors coming up!).  AND then suggested we go to the fair in town because he knew I would want to go!!

I didn't intend for this to turn into a put-Lee-up-on-a-pedestal post, trust me he can get on my nerves from time to time and isn't always perfect, but am I blessed with this man and I love him so.

At the fair!! 

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