Monday, September 23, 2013

16 weeks 3 days

I went back to the doctor today.  Nothing too exciting to say except that we got to hear the fast little heartbeat of our baby.  I'm still shocked every time because I'm like wow there actually is a baby in there...
With me nothing has still changed.  My clothes still fit even though I have gained 4 pounds since my first appointment. The doctor said I was "off to a slow start" with the weight gain.  He said I should gain around 25 pounds total.  I have a feeling come around late 20-30 weeks I'll have absolutely no problem topping 25lbs.

At our next appointment I can finally find out if it is a boy or girl!!! and I'll be halfway through this pregnancy!  Crazy!  I haven't even started to feel pregnant yet.  After I was lying on the table the doctor went to help me up but I just sat straight up and he said oh so you're not having trouble sitting up yet.... and I was like ummmm no, I'm serious when I tell you nothing has changed physically for me.  It's slightly annoying, but I'm trying not to rush it because I'm sure I'll start to feel and look very pregnant in the not too distant future.

Last night our friend Kensi came over to snap a few pictures for us for our announcement for facebook. They turned out awesome despite about 5 minutes of planning.  I ran home from work, threw on a dress (and it turned out to be very wrinkly... oops) and made a banner in like 3 seconds.  But we got it done and they are beautiful!
We're going to post on facebook tonight!  I think we've told everyone close to us that needs to know... we've been slowly telling family and friends and spreading the news so it won't be too huge of a shock to facebook ;)

How far along: 16 weeks 3 days
Total weight gain: 4lbs, although Lee said that wasn't accurate because I go up and down 4 pounds all the time. psh whatever.
Maternity clothes: no, but I have been wearing loose fitting tops because I'm starting to feel slightly self conscious about just looking like I have a little extra fat around the middle.  But I'm wearing my normal pants, dresses, and skirts.   My actual biggest fear is that my feet will change sizes and I'll have no shoes. what the?!
Stretch marks: no.
Sleep: good, no changes there. I moved our bed and made Lee switch sides of the bed with me so I could have easier access to the bathroom, but that hasn't become a problem yet.
Best moment of this week:  Hearing the heartbeat and having a little mini photo shoot with Kensi!!
Miss anything:  not really... I found some naturally decaffeinated tea, so we're all good on the sweet tea front :)
Movement: nope.
Food cravings: no.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  nope. 
Have you started to show yet: nope
Gender:  no new news.
Labor signs: - 
Belly button in or out: in
Wedding rings on or off: On 
Happy or moody most of the time: So happy!!!
Looking forward to: posting on facebook tonight!


Amber said...

Gorgeous photos of a gorgeous family! AHHHHHH I seriously can't wait to meet this baby!

Catching Up With The Connolly's said...

Congratulations!!! It's amazing! I hope you continue feeling well!

Laura said...

So glad you are feeling well! And you just wait on the weight gain!! I had only gained 6 at 30 weeks and lets just say that number might have doubled or more in the next few weeks....wowzers!

Reece said...

You are going to be one cute, stylish pregnant lady!! So excited for you guys!! I'm looking forward to reading your pregnancy updates so keep it up!!


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