Friday, July 20, 2012

July so far

I know.  I'm terrible at blogging.  Real life is busy.  I literally haven't had time to blog and I subconsciously decided it wasn't a priority over spending time with my husband (which has been very small amounts of time).
I'm blogging now because I've been up since 5am.... on Friday! My day off!  But I'm sick... and just got back from the 24 hour CVS for some meds and cough drops :( so I'm wide awake.

What's been going on in July?
Well it started off with a trip home!  I was home from July 3rd-8th and it was wonderful.  I spent 24 hours a day for 5 days with my family {and my Allen family - my best friends Kristen and Michelle}and we had so much fun. 
We all stayed at my brother Marks for a few days because my parent's didn't have electricity for almost a week!! So we camped out all over the house, swam in the pool, BBQ'd, watched fireworks all across town and the river from the flood wall, and stayed up way later than I'm used to these days.
My brother Matt and his family were up from Georgia and Molly's family was home from Kentucky.
I got to see 6 of my 10 nieces and my nephew. 
and then my parents got a PUPPY!  Her name is Pippi.  I'll have to post pictures.  I'm in bed and don't have my camera nearby.
I admit I didn't want to come back to Michigan.  At all.

and then I did. and I worked for 4 days and then went home AGAIN!  For a wedding of a close family friend I was helping with.  That was a whirlwind weekend. I drove home after work on Thursday.... which was a bad idea.  I don't get off until 7 so I didn't make it home until after 1am.... and I was more tired than I've ever been in my life.  It if wasn't for the 50+ deer I saw on the way home I very possibly could have fallen asleep behind the wheel.  Friday was full of decorating and wedding preparations, and so was Saturday, and then the actual wedding, and helping with the food.... it was a looooooooooooooong day.  Beautiful wedding and happy couple, so it was worth it, but... we. were. tired.
Then Sunday I had to make the 6.5 hour drive back to Michigan. 
This time it was even harder.

And Monday morning 7am it's back to work!

I don't hate my job by any means, it's just long hours, and I don't get home until 7 and Lee usually wants to go to bed by 9 because he wakes up at like 4:30am to be at the hospital!  So by the time we eat dinner (which pretty much has to be in the crock pot or we're not eating a cooked meal on days that I work) it's time for bed!

I do get that 2ish hour lunch break, but that's the time I've got to do laundry, prepare meals, grocery shop, clean, and do anything else I need to or else it doesn't get done (and sometimes it doesn't, and that's ok)

Weekends are better, but like I said I've been home the past two so I haven't spent any time with Lee... and this weekend Nana is here visiting! and next weekend my friends Kirsten, Michelle, and Sara are coming!! and then Lee and I are going to Calgary for a wedding! 

And at the end of August Lee will finally be finished with surgery!!!! Which means he won't have to go in quite as early and will have less stress in his life for a bit. 

Ok more about Lee, which I know is what you want to know - He's in Surgical Oncology this week.  He's done 2, 10 hour surgeries, is a master at stitches, and is impressing all the Drs I'm sure with his on the spot answers (b/c that boy studies!)..... but..... to no avail, it's basically impossible for an SGU student to get a surgery residency at this hospital... which is NOT what he wants to do anyway, but still kinda sucks when they think that you're awesome, but still won't give you a chance.

He's done Vascular Surgery, Trauma, General, Oncology, and I'm sure something else but I don't remember.
He says that what he does in surgery is usually help hold the person open. gross.  He says it hot hot hot in the room with all the scrubs and mask on and bright lights.  And if it's an old person and the don't care about the scar they let Lee stitch them up!  and he is good!  I came home the other day and he had sewn a tear in his guitar case with his stitching techniques :)

We still don't know exactly what he wants to do.  He is enjoying surgery, just not the hours/schedule. 
He wants to pick something that will be conducive to having a family, but I know he has pretty big ambitions and I don't want him to settle for something just so he can have the weekends off.   I know he wants to teach future students and residence in the hospital and be all in charge. hahah.  and he should... he's so good at it.

So that's July so far.  This weekend we're playing tourists (if I recover from this bug!) and going to see some of the sites that we've been too busy to see by ourselves!

I'll post pictures soon.

oh and I didn't win the trip to Grenada. boo.


Marisa said...

The hours get SO MUCH BETTER after surgery is done. In the end, Andy did pick a specialty where there was a good chance he'd have weekends off at some point. Although medicine and his career is very important to him, family's more important.

Amber said...

I love reading your blog, Kelsey. the way that you write is like we're sitting down together and just carrying on a conversation. and thank you for always speaking in English when you explain what Lee is doing..

Amber said...

I love reading your blog, Kelsey. the way that you write is like we're sitting down together and just carrying on a conversation. and thank you for always speaking in English when you explain what Lee is doing..


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