Sunday, February 20, 2011


Who would have thought that my first (and only) professional modeling gig would be on a 12 million dollar yacht??
A friend asked me to model for a photo-shoot on a yacht.
and then mentioned that I would get paid.
who in their right mind would say no?!

The photos are to advertise the yacht for weekly rentals (which runs about $100,000 a week...not including food or drinks or tip for the staff!)

Luckily I also knew 2 of the other 'models' so I knew I was in for a fun day.

We spent about 10 hours on the yacht pretending to be rich and carefree, lounging in the sun, riding jet skis, and sipping champagne in the hot tub (ok I didn't sip anything... :/ although the $400bottle champagne was tempting!) but I did look like I was for some photos.

We sailed (do yachts sail??) or cruised around the southern end of the island to Calvingy Island (near La Phare Blue) to photograph the water sports.  Traveling around the area where we live by water was so awesome!  I had never seen the university or the little peninsula that we live on by water and I wish Lee could have been with me to see it too!

I even got to wear some designer dresses!!  The owner must not have thought Karla and I's wardrobe was acceptable for the "dining" shots so she offered to let us wear her things!  I wore a Dolce and Gabbana dress for the first and probably only time of my life and another designer that I can't recall right now... but probably cost more than my wedding dress.

The day ended back at the port with the most beautiful sunset I've seen in a long time. 
I didn't want the day to end!
and I'm happy to report that I didn't get sea sick at all!  I was so worried I'd throw up on their expensive carpet or something. haha

Thank you Derek for asking me to participate in such an awesome experience!
I can't wait to see the pictures!!

you can watch some video clips from the day here 

 An aerial view taken from a camera attached to a kite! incredible!!

SGU from the water

1 comment:

Reece said...

This is so cool Kelsey! What a great opportunity! I'm a little jealous that I didn't get to tour it!


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