Thursday, March 11, 2010

Bus stop good-ness!

On campus, at the upper bus stop, there is an area where they sell stuff.
This is where we had our bake sale for the Limes program too...
Almost everyday there is a lady selling amazing chinese food - rice, low mein, sweet & sour chicken, beef, fish, vegetables... a couple, Mr. and Mrs. Patel (or Mother Teresa as students refer to her as) who sell vegetarian food, another lady who sells sandwiches, and a few times a week people selling fresh produce and eggs.
It's great to have all these options right on campus, and right off the bus!

Mrs. Patel
fresh fruits and vegetables (also where I got my coconut!)

My purchases from here this week....
a bag of eggs? sure! 

 The greatest cheese rolls ever.
a friend told me these were good, but he specifically said, don't eat one, it's like crack, you'll be addicted! 
and he was right!
they're only $3EC (about a dollar us)
and Lee is addicted too... so what if I had 3 this week...
I'm supporting Mother Teresa right?

We also LOVE the chinese food!!!
We've only had this twice since we've been here... it's kinda like a treat because we don't eat out, ever. 
but I came home from Limes this week exhausted and a little frazzled so Lee caved... :)
it's so good and affordable... and she gives you a TON of food!
we had enough left over for the next day and were completely full.
a plate of food is $15EC so we both eat for $30 ($11.25USD!!!)
and you get two meals out of it! so it's like $3 per meal....

1 comment:

Grace said...

The food looks fantastic!! I am so excited about coming in August but I don't think you guys will be there. Will You???

Hope you have a great time with the in laws.


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