Monday, October 25, 2010


last term my friend Amber made a wix website, as recommended by Alfonso, and it turned out awesome!
and when I got sick for those two weeks & had nothing to do, I made one too!!
It was so much fun and I worked furiously on it for two weeks.... and then once I got better, I forgot about it!  That is until last week when I was typing something & it popped up on my history, or frequently viewed pages or something... so I've decided to show it to the world!
It was pretty hard to do actually.... I started with a blank site and added everything myself, so I'm pretty proud of myself.
please note that I have nothing at this point in my life to advertise or sell.... this is just for fun!and still a work in progress.  I have so many other things to add!!
One sweet day I will have an even more impressive website chocked full of all my fabulous design and art work and probably my full page spreads in Elle Decor.

Here is my website

& my awesome photographer bff Amber's

Let me know what you think!!

*edit - fixed some broken links on the site... hopefully will get all the kinks worked out!

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